Stewardship 2025
Giving Faithfully,
Living Abundantly
“In the midst of overwhelming challenges, authentic humbleness and persistent joy produces abundant generosity.”
– II Corinthians 8:2
We ask for your financial support of Moreland Presbyterian Church for 2025.
This year, to reduce our reliance on our church’s savings to balance the budget, we are asking for increases in pledges of 10 to 15 percent. This will help us sustain and build upon our programs, support our staff and invest in our building to serve our community.
You can provide your pledge online through this form.
Every pledge helps us build a stable and strong budget for next year. Please prayerfully consider the tax-deductible financial support you can offer our church in 2025 and provide your pledge by Sunday, November 3.
Thank you for your faithfulness and support of our church community, staff and programs.
Your Stewardship Team:
Tom Kern, Greg Mowe, Blake Ray,
Ken Ray (elder for stewardship), Sue Walsh (treasurer)