For the latest news about programs and activities,
subscribe to the Children and Families newsletter.
Email David Gluck, our Children’s Ministries Director,

More information on some of the Children & Family programming
here at Moreland Presbyterian Church below.


Our Sunday School curriculum is guided by Godly Play; helping children gain religious language, explore faith through story, and enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Children preschool-5th grade are invited to Sunday School after the Children’s Message during the worship service.

Children and youth are encouraged to be active participants in worship as acoltyes, readers and prayer leaders.


LOGOS, our mid-week program for kids kindergarten – 5th grade, builds intergenerational relationships between young people and caring, Christian adults.  The weekly LOGOS gathering features dinner served family-style, time for learning, music and rhythm, crafts, service projects, and games.  LOGOS meets Tuesdays from 5-7 pm., October–March and is open to all kids in the community.  Kids are invited to sign up with a friend and they are sure to make new friends in the program.  LOGOS families support the program by volunteering and attending our LOGOS Family Events.  The registration fee is $110 for 1st child, $70 for additional children with partial tuition support available and a discount for signing up for extra volunteer slots.  Other questions about LOGOS?  Please contact David, Director of Children’s Ministries.


Stay tuned for more information about exciting opportunities to connect this summer!